How do we, the United States of America, call ourselves "free" when you're working 50 hour weeks just to keep a home? When your children are slaves to hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt? When your parents are being thrown on the sidewalk because their social security suddenly doen't cover the increased cost of the residential facility anymore? When your friends are shot by police officers in their own homes? When your clothes, food, phones, are all made by child slaves in other countries, because the "First World" couldn't let their slave colonies go?

Have you ever noticed that capitalism can't function without a class to exploit? Think about it - if everyone in the world was an entrepreneur, we would at best have very ineffecient lives. But in order to really make money as an entrepreneur, you need to have someone working for you, whos labor you can then profit from.... by selling it back to them (through wages/salary) at a fraction of what their labor is worth.

But this doesn't have to be the way things are! We know what our lives are worth, and we know what our labor contributes to our society! What would it be like if we did our jobs not because we were afraid of starving, but because we know they need to be done to maintain our quality of life. What if we took care of others so that one day others may take care of us?

A better future is possible! We control our destinies! We have strength in numbers!

Marxism 101

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Discord server that doesn't suck (required vetting)